my name is Palmer
I like my name
Greeted as Parker or Paul
the Palmer pronunciation
is often misinterpreted
When I visited to play with her son
Mrs. Patterson called me “Poly”
always a friendly “Poly”
High school friends
It was “Chaunce”, my brother
I accepted the peer honorary
Friend Lew said I was “Mooch”
a comic strip character,
with unknown underlying meaning
Parmer was Dad”s pronouncement
once for fun, I told a friend
I was always, Parmer after that
Mom didn’t take sides on pronunciation
Bro was named for Uncle Chauncey
Beth”s lineage was included
Uncle Palmer was a Brooklyn merchant
his daughter, Beth, survived a serious illness
Roscoe’s lineage was included
My name is Palmer
I like the sound of my name
I like my name very much
Palmer R. Haynes
© February, 2015