at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
We finish a very satisfying lunch inside, then onward,
exploring bronze, sculptured by Henry Moore, Welshman.
We discover Reclining Connected Forms, 1969, in its wooded circle,
examine the welded seams of Sheep Piece, 1971-72.
Look up, up, to Large Interior Form, 1953, cast 1981,
through to clouds with Reclining Figure: Hands, 1979. Two women
sketch Seated Woman, 1958-59.
on the south greensward!
Solitary workman wheels tree mulch, load on load;
shirtless, mows deftly among scattered Shuttlecocks, 1994,
aluminum-fiberglass works by Oldenburg and van Bruggen.
Two lovers walk, give each other their attention;
I give Lydia a fallen Ginko leaf, and,
she a chip of red Pine bark. Simple Gifts!
all on an emerald greensward!
October, 2000