Rain and Windy
Rose breasted Grosbeaks
in the wood edge,
and catbirds
at roadside
are numerous.
Four nesting pair.
Syvrud Road,
will be renamed
Catbird lane.
May 11, 2006

Periodic poetry posts
Rain and Windy
Rose breasted Grosbeaks
in the wood edge,
and catbirds
at roadside
are numerous.
Four nesting pair.
Syvrud Road,
will be renamed
Catbird lane.
May 11, 2006
Intense indigo back,
wings and belly a Bunting
none like it anywhere.
June 19, 2006
Sand Hill’s
Sand Hill’s are gleaners.
Palmer R. Haynes
© August, 2015
Photos by Catherine Haynes, taken at the Audubon crane blind on the Platte River in 2009